A Typical Day on the MV Explorer
"What happens on the Explorer?" "What will we do all day?" "How will I fill my time?" Such questions come up frequently, so I thought I'd take a stab at outlining what might look like a typical day. (Note: everyone's day is different; the range of activities is amazing, and you will follow your own interests for clubs, lectures, classes, recreation, and down time.) Time goes by very quickly!
6:00-. Coffee and hot water are available in the Glazer Faculty Lounge. The Faculty Lounge is off-limits to all students and children at all times (except for special events).
7:00-8:30. Breakfast buffet.
8:00-5:30. Classes (75 minutes each), alternating on A/B days.
9:20-10:35. Global Studies. EVERYONE IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND GLOBAL STUDIES. Following Global Studies, the day includes study and reading time, classes, meals, exercise, meetings, rest.
11:30-1:30. Lunch.
You will need to sign up to use the exercise equipment; faculty can sign up the day before, and there will be a Faculty Only (morning) exercise time set aside.
5:00-6:00. Glazer Faculty Lounge open for cocktails. We often have other events at this time: receptions with the Life Long Learners (LLL), faculty meetings (these will be few and far between, unless you demand otherwise), etc.
5:00-8:00. Student clubs and meetings; other assorted programs.
5:30-7:30. Dinner.
8:00-9:00. Explorer Seminars. There will be multiple and overlapping lectures, presentations by Interport Lecturers, and optional activities. Two nights before arrival in a port there will be a Cultural Pre-port presentation; the night before arrival there will be a required Logistical Pre-port presentation (health and safety issues, etc.).
9:00-11:00. Designated Study Area for students (ie, quiet space for study and reading); probably the Aquamarine Dining Room.
9:00-11:00. Glazer Faculty Lounge open for faculty/staff, LLL relaxation and socializing. Bar closes at 11:00.
11:00--. Fall into bed exhausted, wondering where the day went, how it sped by so fast!